The thumb alone is controlled by nine separate muscles
The hand has been used as a symbol of protection since ancient times
The human hand is different from the hands or paws of other animals because it has fingers and a thumb that can work together.
Each finger has 3 bones and the thumb has two bones
There are 17,000 touch receptors and free nerve endings found in the palm of human hands for passing on sensations of pressure, vibration, and movement
Scottish surgeon Sir Charles Bell wrote an entire book in 1833 praising human hands. It is called, The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments, as Evincing Design

The hands of our nearest relatives, the apes, also have thumbs like ours
The hand is quite vulnerable since bones, nerve fibers, blood vessels, and tendons are only protected by a very thin layer of fat and muscle
The muscles found in human hands are supplied by three nerves: the radial nerve, the median nerve, and the ulnar nerve

Only the palm is protected by a strong pad of tendons (aponeurosis) for a powerful grip
The left and right hand are both controlled by the opposite hemisphere of the brain
Approximately ¼ of our entire body’s bones are found in human hands
The fingers on just one hand will be extended and flexed about 25 MILLION times throughout one lifetime
The skin on your fingertips is extra sensitive to touch
Each finger is supplied by four bundles of nerves and blood vessels
Fingers have no muscles
The wrinkles found on the back of the fingers are the mark of where the skin is attached to the tendon

Feeling any aches or pains in your hands? Show your hands some love and schedule an appointment with Delhi Hand Clinic for treatment and rehabilitation to restore optimal function in your hands.

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